The Death Of Prophet Mohammad’s (Peace be upon him) Mother

The Death Of His Mother and Then His Living Under The Care Of His Grandfather And Uncle

His mother, Aaminah died when the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam was six years old, and like her
husband before her, she died during a journey. She had traveled to
see her uncles from the Banu ‘Adee ibn Najjaar tribe, and the
purpose of her visit was to show them her son. She died on the way
back in a place called Al-Abwaa, which is situated somewhere
between Makkah and Al-Madeenah, and she was buried there as

Once she died, it was ‘ Abdul-Muttalib who became guardian and
caretaker of the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam. ‘Abdul-Muttalib loved him
a great deal and preferred him to even his own sons – who were
the uncles of the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam. Being in awe of their father, the
Prophet’s uncles did not dare sit on his carpet; in fact, no one
dared to sit with him on his carpet. Yet the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam would do
so, though his uncles would try to make him sit somewhere else.

Abdul-Muttalib took the Prophet’s side in the matter; in fact, he
encouraged the Prophet to sit alongside him, seeing goodness
in him and sensing that he was going to grow up to do great

When ‘Abdul-Muttalib would send the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam on an
errand, he would perform it and then return in a short while; but
one day, ‘Abdul-Muttalib sent him to search out for stray camels,
and he [Peace be upon him] was delayed during the performance of that task. When
the Prophet’s absence became prolonged, ‘Abdul-Muttalib began
to worry a great deal, and even felt very sad, for he loved his
grandson a great deal. As soon as the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam returned with
the camels, ‘Abdul-Muttalib said to him, “O my son, just as a
woman does, I have become sad on your account – with sadness
(that is so extreme) that (it) will never leave me.”

After two years of his guardianship had passed, ‘Abdul-Muttalib
was bidding farewell to the world, and, upon learning of his
irnminent death, ordered that his son, ‘Abu Taalib, should be the
new guardian of the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam.

So at the age of 8, the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam
yet again had a new guardian, one that loved him as much, or
almost as much, as did his previous one.

Allah decreed that His Messenger Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam should be raised as an
orphan. Thus, as a child, the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam did not have parents who
spoiled him or riches that made for a soft and easy upbringing.
The Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam faced many calamities even as a child; in addition
to not having ever met his father, he first lost his mother and then
his grandfather. Such hardships helped make him sensitive to the
pains of others, for sadness purifies the soul from hardness and
arrogance and increases it in softness and humbleness.

His parents died in their twenties not because they were weak in
their physical makeup, but rather because Allah caused them
to die once they had fulfilled the task for which they were
created, so that every orphan can find comfort and consolation in
the early history of the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam.
Despite being an orphan,
the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam had lofty manners and characteristics.

As an orphan, he developed a high level of determination,
so that he depended upon no human being in his affairs. That his
parents could have no influence on his mission and that no
human being could interfere in his training and development are
some of the reasons why the Prophet Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam was born an orphan.
Since it was Allah Alone Who took care of the Prophet’s
training and upbringing, the Prophet [Peace be upon him] was not influenced in
the least by the beliefs and traditions of pre-Islamic ignorance.
Allah provided the Prophet [Peace be upon him] with the care of his grandfather
and uncle to facilitate his material welfare; but as for his spiritual
welfare and his moral training, it was Allah Who was taking
care of him.

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