Be thankful to Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala
We can never count Allah’s Blessings.
Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala says:
“Is, then, He Who creates comparable to any that cannot create? Will you not, then, take heed? For should you try to count Allah’s blessings, you could never compute them” (An-Nahl 16:17-19).
We thank Allah for our own benefit:
If you are ungrateful, Allah is unaffected. If you become grateful, then you have taken the first step towards becoming a true Believer. It is for this reason that the Prophet (Sallal laahoo alaihi wassallam ) exhorted us to “Love Allah, as we benefit from His grace” (Tirmidhi).
Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala reminds us: ” And whoever is grateful, he is only grateful for the benefit of his own self” (Luqman 31:12)
“For surely if it was not for the grace of Allah on you and His mercy, you would have been among the losers” (Al-Baqarah 2:64).
There are so many diseases Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala has Saved us from. Only a single mutation in the genes can lead to disastrous outcomes.
Osteogenesis imperfecta i.e imperfect bone formation (OI) is a group of genetic disorders that mainly affect the bones. It results in bones that break easily. The severity may be mild to severe
As well as frequent fractured bones, people with osteogenesis imperfecta may have muscle weakness, hearing loss, fatigue, lax or excessively flexible joints, curved bones, curvature of the spine (scoliosis), blue colour to the whites of the eye (blue sclera), brittle teeth (dentinogenesis imperfecta), and poor growth (short stature).
OI is caused by genetic defects that affect the body’s ability to make strong bones. In dominant (classical) OI, a person has too little type I collagen or a poor quality of type I collagen due to a mutation in one of the type I collagen genes. Collagen is the major protein of the body’s connective tissue. It is part of the framework that bones are formed around. The result in all cases is fragile bones that break easily.
Type II
- Most severe form.
- Frequently lethal at or shortly after birth, often due to respiratory problems.
- In utero fractures
Patient Story
Raheem Habib talks about his experience of having brittle bones.
“I break my bones very easily because I have brittle bones. I have so far broken my legs five times and my arms twice.”
There is no cure. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by exercising and avoiding smoking can help prevent fractures. Treatment may include care of broken bones, pain medication, physical therapy, braces or wheelchairs, and surgery. A type of surgery that puts metal rods through long bones may be done to strengthen them.
We are always complaining about how unfair life is. We keep showing ingratitude to our Creator. We get upset over the things that we don’t have ,yet how many times a day do we thank Allah Subhaanahu wata’ala for His countless favours, for all the blessings He Gave us without even asking?
Always say ALHUMDULILLAH for all His blessings.
“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?” (Surah Ar-Rahmaan)
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