Duas for Wudu (Ablution)
January 6, 2019What to say before performing ablution Bismillaah In the Name of Allah. بِسْمِ اللهِ Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and…Am I one of those who justify his haram (forbidden) acts?
April 17, 2016Am I one of those who justify his haram (forbidden) acts? A very important question we all need to ask…MAJOR SINS- 1) Shirk i.e Ascribing Associates To Allah, the Most High
April 15, 2016The worst major sin is Shirk. It is of two kinds: a) To hold that Allah has an equal, whereas…Major Sins – Introduction
April 15, 2016Assalamu alikum, today we will look at the definition of major sins and what ALLAH Subhanahu wataa'la says in…