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Today we will learn about The DREAM of our Prophet’s Mother (Peace and blessings be upon him)which she had before his birth.
The marriage of his parents was not the beginning of the Prophet’s affair.
When the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was once asked about the beginning of his affair, he said, “I am the supplication of my father Ibraaheem Alaihissalaam (i.e., the answer to his supplication) and the glad tidings of my brother ‘Eesa Alaihissalaam .
And my mother saw (in a dream) that light came out of her, light that illuminated the castles of Ash-Sham (Ash-Sham refers to the region of Syria and neighbouring
Commenting on these words, Ibn Rajab said, “The coming out of this light at the time of his birth is an indication of the light that he was to come with, that the people of earth were to be guided by, and that was going to remove the darkness of Shirk (polytheism, to associate partners with Allah in worship)
Allah said:
“O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Now has come
to you Our Messenger (Muhammad ) explaining to you much
of that which you used to hide from the Scripture and passing over
(i.e., leaving out without explaining) much. Indeed, there has
come to you from Allah a LIGHT (Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him ) and a plain Book (this Qur’an) .
Wherewith Allah guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out
of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to a Straight Way (Islamic Monotheism) .” (Quran 5: 15, 16)
Ibn Katheer said, “The specific mention of Ash-Sham as being the
place where his light shall appear points to how Islam will have a
stable and firm footing in the lands of Ash-Sham.”
In the end times ,(i.e., just before the end of this world), Ash-Sham will be a stronghold of Islam and its adherents, and it is there that ‘Eesa Alaihissalaam (Jesus) ibn Maryam will descend – in Damascus, at the white minaret on its eastern side.
It is related both in Saheeh Bukhaaree and
Saheeh Muslim that the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him)said, “A group from my nation will continue to remain successful upon the truth; they will not be harmed by those who forsake them, nor by those who oppose them;
(they will remain upon that state) until Allah’s command comes (i.e., a gentle, good wind that will take the souls of all believers), and they will still be upon that state.
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